"I always loved the feeling of looking at space and planetary orbits and letting it dawn on me just how small we are. There is so much left to encounter. "
- The Chaotic Aquatic
aka Ariel Orion Anne
About Connection
To gaze at a starry night
bursting through
a mysteriously massive abyss,
is to join in a quiet promise,
our understanding
of ourselves,
our reality,
and our potential.
The accessible inaccessibility
of these moments, is a startling demand
to embrace bravery,
and a thirst for exploration,
with curiosity our greatest catalyst,
and assurance to redefine
our blinking realities
in exquisite ways.
Unfathomed. Undefinable.
Intoxicatingly unorthodox,
the potential of our ventures.
Orbiting on the precipice of discovery,
our desire to know the unknowable
fuels our connection with final frontiers.
The art of connection,
on earth and in space,
is simultaneously personal,
and universal,
a suspension of
the smallest,
and greatest,
co-mingling of paradoxes.
Into space
from the now,
beyond the past,
before the future,
we reach out to
with ourselves,
and each other,
through the beyond.
- The Chaotic Aquatic
aka Ariel Orion Anne
The Chaotic Aquatic aka Ariel Orion Anne
Acrylic house paint on recycled wood
6.5' x 7.5 ft
spaceəearth launch 2020
courtesy of TIDE ARTS